Bruno Alves
Ministerium für Umwelt, Klima und Nachhaltige Entwicklung, Luxemburg
Wissenschaftlicher Beirat

Henry-Michel Cauchie
Head of Water Security and Safety Research Unit
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology

Alexandra Arendt
Flusspartnerschaft Syr

Muki Haklay
Professor of Geographic Information Science,
University College London (UCL)

Raymond Erpelding
Honorary President
Association Luxembourgeoise des Services d’Eau (ALUSEAU)

Walter Rademacher
Federation of European National Statistical Societies FENStatS

Joachim Hansen
Associate Professor in Engineering Science
University of Luxembourg

John Robinson
Professor at the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy and
the School of the Environment
University of Toronto

Jean-Jacques Ludovicy
Präsident, Landwirtschaftlech Kooperatioun Uewersauer (LAKU)