Wir unterstützen Fridays For Future!

 Bild von Pixabay.com, einer Creative-Commons-Website. Artikel erschienen im Luxemburg Wort; „Keine Schwarzseher“; 22.05.2019 Die unterzeichneten Forscherinnen und Forscher der Universität Luxemburg möchten hiermit ihre Unterstützung für die jungen Menschen von Fridays for Future zum Ausdruck bringen. Wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zeigen: Der menschliche Einfluss auf das Klima ist real, und die fortschreitende Umweltverschmutzung und Zerstörung natürlicher Ressourcen … Continued

Vortrag – 07.05.2019: Governing the transformation of water governance towards more sustainability

Many water related problems can be attributed to governance failure at multiple levels of governance rather than to the resource base itself. This is particularly worrying in the light of increasing uncertainties and increasing pressures on resources management due to global and climate change. At the same time our knowledge on water governance systems and conditions for success of water governance reform is still quite limited. For a long time, research and policy have been dominated by the futile search for simplistic panaceas to solve complex water governance problems

Vortrag – 30.04.2019: Energy Sustainability: reframing the way we see and act in energy systems

We live in a world that is increasingly turbulent, uncertain, innovative and full of ambiguity. How do large institutional and industrial actors in the energy sector successfully plan in such an environment? How do they navigate this complexity? How do they frame sustainability? With so many contextual drivers changing at the same time and with increasing speed, what does success look like in this sector – and for whom?

Vortrag – 23.04.2019: How can agroecological transitions increase the resilience of rural areas?

This presentation will highlight how the concept of ecosystem services (ES), defined as the contributions of ecosystems to human wellbeing can help understand agroecological transitions. ES can be a tool to steer and facilitate agroecological transitions, in combination with other theoretical and methodological approaches, and practical tools they hold the promise to increase the resilience of rural areas.